Hi friends!
We’re so excited you’re here! THANK YOU for choosing to invest your time and resources with us, and I just want you to know I am praying for EACH of you by name, that God would make this fruitful one hundredfold in your lives. This year, we’re going to deep dive into different areas of live and faith that will encourage us, sharpen our faith and minds, and prayerfully bring bring so much joy to you in friendship and partnership, in living out the GOSPEL in our everyday lives, experiencing God in extraordinary ways. Each month, I’ll post here with that month’s content! Don’t forget to join our facebook group! I’m hoping for great discussion, thriving friendship, and deep roots to be cultivated there in the following months. If I said said it yet— I am SO HAPPY you’re here!!!! More info on all the extras starting in APRIL (fireside chats and guest FB lives!) you get there, HERE. Each month, I’m also going to be memorizing some scripture, and if you’ve been looking to up your game in that area, I’d love for you to join me! I’m going to make a lock screen to save on my phone as a background to help, so I’ll leave that here for you every month, too! Well friends, I think that’s all for now.It’s such a JOY to run this race with you! Can’t wait to hang with you in our FB group!
This month we are talking about FRIENDSHIPS! This is one of the most common conversations I have with women: How can I love and serve my friends in the season I’m in? How do I make friends as a grown woman? Where do I find/cultivate healthy, faith-filled thriving friendships in SIMPLE ways? Like authentic, genuine, natural/not-forced, christian friendships that are all the best parts of being in community?! We’re going to cover ALL that and MORE because I believe SO much that part of experiencing God in our lives is being part of what he is doing in the lives of others! It’s something tangible we can take part in to experience God’s character and fulfill our mission to be light to the world around us, encouraging those women God has put in our circles!
May Gospel Monthly Download: This month’s download is something I’m praying is a tool you keep In your toolbox for all your friendships, present and future! I’ve crafted a list of some of the most common things are sisters are going through right now and found verses we can pray over each other! Have a friend praying through some big decisions? Here’s a verse you can send to her and pray over her! Miscarriage, heartache, marriage, weariness, peace, joy, etc. ALL the things we want to support our sisters in—let’s really do something about it and send them a text/hand written note/etc. with scripture and ask God to move in their lives in specific ways! I have never felt more connected to those in my inner circle than when I know how I can be praying for them, and spend time loving them by interceding on their behalf! Click here to download: 10 Verses to Pray for Your Friends
BREAK OUT SESSION: SQUAD GOALS: Simple, No Fluff Ways to Cultivate Holy Friendships in Busy Seasons of Life PASSWORD: FRIENDSHIP
GOSPEL MONTHLY BOOK CLUB (May selection): Friend-ish: Reclaiming Real Friendship in a Culture of Confusion by Kelly Needham
May Memory Verse:
”Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11
May Lock Screen: CLICK HERE