Hi friends!

We’re so excited you’re here! THANK YOU for choosing to invest your time and resources with us, and I just want you to know I am praying for EACH of you by name, that God would make this fruitful one hundredfold in your lives. This year, we’re going to deep dive into different areas of live and faith that will encourage us, sharpen our faith and minds, and prayerfully bring bring so much joy to you in friendship and partnership, in living out the GOSPEL in our everyday lives, experiencing God in extraordinary ways. Each month, I’ll post here with that month’s content! Don’t forget to join our facebook group! I’m hoping for great discussion, thriving friendship, and deep roots to be cultivated there in the following months. If I said said it yet— I am SO HAPPY you’re here!!!! More info on all the extras starting in APRIL (fireside chats and guest FB lives!) you get there, HERE. Each month, I’m also going to be memorizing some scripture, and if you’ve been looking to up your game in that area, I’d love for you to join me! I’m going to make a lock screen to save on my phone as a background to help, so I’ll leave that here for you every month, too! Well friends, I think that’s all for now.It’s such a JOY to run this race with you! Can’t wait to hang with you in our FB group!

This month we are talking about JOY! And not just the feel-good, pinteresty, no bad vibes kind. (although those are all good things!) We are going to be talking about HOW to cultivate a lifestyle of JOY that transcends our circumstances and WHY it matters—not just for emotional happiness but deep rooted resilience and endurance. I’m so passionate about this friends—I believe that what WE believe about JOY determines how we fight the good fight, love through the hard things, and live the life we were made for in ALL things: motherhood, parenting, friendship, marriage, calling, and more.

April Gospel Monthly Download: This month’s download is something SO special to me—it’s a print of one of my favorite quotes of ALL time. It gives me SO much hope! AND it reminds me that JOY is so incredibly significant in the kingdom of God. Feel free to print it out and frame it, hang it in your office/kitchen/bedroom or just print and tape it on your fridge! Praying it gives you as much life as it has for me. I made SIX different versions of this to fit your style/space! Click here to download: JOY PRINT


GOSPEL MONTHLY BOOK CLUB (April selection): Fight Back With Joy: Celebrate More. Regret Less. Stare Down Your Greatest Fear. by Margaret Feinberg

April Memory Verse:
”Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls. “ 1 Peter 1:8-9

April Lock Screen: CLICK HERE

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