The Five Minute Method for More Energy and Clarity in You Life Right Now
pssstt….scroll to the bottom of a quick reference graphic of the five questions!
I’m SO glad you’re here! If you’ve landed here, then that means you are ON A MISSION and if you know anything about me, you know I am not about to waste your time. ALSO, you’re here—there’s a good chance you are checking out this post because you are:
struggling with some kind of fear that is holding you back
experiencing mental/emotional/spiritual fogginess from feeling like you’re been working aimlessly
confused about how to go about doing the things you are made to do in the season you’re in
overwhelmed by figuring out the next right step or even a plan for what you feel like God is asking you to carry out
Here’s the thing—over the last several years I’ve spent TONS of time with women, walking and talking through what God is doing in their life or what they think he might be doing and why they feel STUCK/FEARFUL/fill in the blank about it all. In those conversations, I’ve noticed a few things that I think are ZAPPING our energy and momentum for this race we were made to run! I’ve realized we spend so much mental and emotional energy WONDERING, feeling confused, or working aimlessly and that leaves us physically and spiritually drained. And we are DONE playing that game, we’ve got far better ways to spend that energy for the glory of God and the good of others—amen?!
I am FIRED UP about seeing these women move out of FEAR, away from the FOG, clear up the CONFUSION, and overall fight the OVERWHELM so many women feel when they think about what their purpose is for the season they’re in.
So if any of that feels familiar to YOU, here are five things you can ask yourself in a five minutes to find immediate traction, already moving you one giant step towards wrapping your hands around your purpose and making the most of your time, right now! The key is to answer these QUICKLY (there is strategy behind the 5 minute rule!). This matter because you just go with what first comes to your mind and you move on—you don’t spend more energy dwelling (yet!) because the goal here is movement, forward progress now! You’re not committing to ANYTHING for the rest of your life or even the rest of this season so lean into that freedom and answer with honest, open hands!
Ready?! HERE ARE THE FIVE QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF when you find yourself looking for a reset, entering a new season, or are just feeling stuck:
What is life giving to me?
What are the gifts God has given me?
What are the opportunities that come with the season I’m in?
Who/what group of people do I think about when my heart is stirred the most often?
What has God done in my own story that could help someone else?
Now that you’re clear on what God has done and IS doing in your life, answer THIS bonus question (but I’m praying you’re already feeling encouraged and energized by what you’ve already done!): What is ONE thing you can do about ONE of those five questions, right now? Ex: Who can you encourage RIGHT now? Send a text! How can you use your gifts to encourage others in your parenting/marriage/career? That idea, no matter how small—do it, today! If fact, the smaller the better for this purpose right now. Just do something with the clarity you’ve just gained. What can you do for the people/issues that stir your heart?! Use the boundaries of your season as opportunities. The people in your circles, the schedule you have, the resources you have, etc. ALL of that is God’s way of giving you everything you need to do what you were made to do!
You’ve got this, friend! I believe in Jesus in you and through you SO MUCH! It matters how we spend our time because of what GOD HAS DONE FOR US! The way we steward our time and gifts are a response to what God has done in our lives! I just want to leave this here to really share the WHY behind making the time to pause and reset with clear eyes and full hearts for our current seasons of life:
"May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given
us eternal encouragement and good hope by grace, encourage your hearts and
strengthen you in every good work and word." 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
That’s it in a nut-shell, friends! Because of the courage God instills in us and the GOOD HOPE he generously pours into us on behalf of GRACE (it’s not earned, y’all!)—we are strengthened to make the most of every single work and word we partake in. The things we do have the power of GOD behind them because of his heart for us and the world, so we can know him and make him known in every season of our lives by leaning in to the people he made us to be and doing what we were created to do for the GLORY of God and the GOOD of others!
I’m praying this blesses you and encourages you, but also challenges you take that step today! You can spare five minutes—and I’m praying God makes every single second fruitful! Let me know if this helped and how I can be praying for you over on the gram @rachelsweatt!