Three Tips on How to Pray (That you can do TODAY!)
Hi friends!
One of the things I have the most FUN talking about with women on a pretty regular basis is on PRAYER. On so many different levels, I really believe this is one of the most powerful ways we see the Bible come to life, experience God, and know his will for our life and this world. Today, I’m sharing what others have taught me on how to pray, different tips on staying focused during prayer, and really making the most of prayer time and making prayer part of our daily routine.
I could never just do a blog post and cover ALL THE THINGS, because it would be 293838404 pages long, ha! These things people have taught and God has shown me has just changed my life in so many ways, so I did a LIVE online workshop (I’ve actually done several in person and LOVE to do them that way, but this is one that I recorded! #COVIDWIN) to share these things more in depth and also cover some more topics regarding prayer (like unanswered prayers, praying for affirmation or clarity on a decision, etc.) and lots of great book recs for further growth in this area!
But I wanted a landing page where ANYONE looking for something quick but intentional to add or try to their prayer life would find some of the things that have helped me the most. Kind of “okay, but WHAT DO I DO WITH MY HANDS?!” type of post. Ha! But really—it’s SO worth it to get some momentum and make prayer an invigorating part of your relationship and friendship with Jesus.
We have a tendency to think that only certain people can hear from God, pray the right way, or that it’s something that is real but feels very elusive or foreign to us. I’m here to tell you that YOU CAN HEAR from God, you can EXPERIENCE the power of prayer in YOUR life, and you can know more and more about who God really is every time you spend time asking what matters to Him in prayer. Prayer is not just something we do once or a few times a week, or at meals. Prayer is a POSTURE of humility we choose to take daily that becomes a LIFESTYLE. It changes how we see the world and respond in it.
PRAY SCRIPTURE! This has CHANGED MY LIFE. I am experiencing the Bible like NEVER before every time I do this! Basically, whatever you’re reading (I ALWAYS suggest having a PLAN -book of the Bible, topic, YouVersion study, etc.—when you sit down to read!) As you read, pay attention to what words/phrases/verses stand out the most to you! Then, start to make it a habit to ask, why is this standing out to me? Does anyone come to mind? Think about HOW you can pray this verse/principle over yourself, your circumstances, or anyone that God brings to mind as you read it. (I go much more in depth in this in the workshop with examples!) Fun bonus: praying HIS words will make your prayers be so much deeper, richer, and wiser than you could have ever mustered up on your own. It actually helps you keep wanting to pray because you’re not wondering what to say, and you’re really encouraged by HIS words that you’re saying!
WRITE YOUR PRAYERS DOWN. It’s SO important to put pen to paper. You totally can do it digitally, too, I have just found that when I use my hands it helps me process better. What am I really asking God for? Be brave! Be clear! Then, be EXPECTANT. KEEP showing up, if that promise is fulfilled in your lifetime, you’ll be able to go back and write the date that it was answered beside it, and how! This is SUCH a great to build our faith. We have to WORK to remember what God has done in our lives as crazy as it sounds. And this is one way that we can be confident about what God will do in our future, because of what we’ve seen him do in our past. And it really makes a difference in those waiting, in-between times in the middle. Confidence in God changes the way we wait for Him!
The (not-so) secret to powerful prayers: The KINGDOM of God. We filter our prayers through the mindset of someone who is a CITIZEN of the Kingdom of God. This shapes our desire, our motives, and our will to match God’s will for our lives and the world around us.
Friends, I promise it is SO WORTH THE WORK to experience God in our lives EVERY DAY. Not only is it possible, but it’s what you were MADE for.
Such a JOY to run this race with you!
P.S. If you’re interested in going deeper or hearing the full workshop, click the link below! I’m praying this blesses you BIG and leaves you changed, on fire about hearing from God, and energized and on mission for the rest of your life! Yep, that’s POSSIBLE. It happened to me—and I want it for YOU, too!
Want to gift this workshop to someone? That’s AWESOME! Send us an email or add a note in check out and we’ll get it to them with a personalized gift email so they know it was sent to them with love!
It’s time to take the “I don’t know what to say/do” out of prayer! Bolster your prayer time with intentionality. Rachel Sweatt teaches an in-depth course on what she’s learned about the purpose of prayer and different methods you can implement today to experience God in communication with God.
This is a replay of a LIVE event. You will receive a download with a link to access the video!