Hi friends!

We’re so excited you’re here! THANK YOU for choosing to invest your time and resources with us, and I just want you to know I am praying for EACH of you by name, that God would make this fruitful one hundredfold in your lives.

This year, we’re going to approach EVERYTHING as a BEGINNER! Why?! Because there’s nothing to prove when you know you’ve got so much to learn. That’s HUMILITY! And when you’re a beginner, you’re EXCITED about how much you’re going to grow and what you’re going to learn along the way (that’s hopeful!). Friends, when we BELIEVE the GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL, we are literally made new, over and over and over again. This is EXCITING—and whether you have loved Jesus 5 minutes or 500 years, there’s SO MUCH he’s got in store for you. Come with us, we’re HUMBLE and HOPEFUL for the year ahead!

TOPIC: Prayer
This month we are going back to the basics of experiencing God through communicating with him. We’re going to be thinking and learning about methods, fears, lies, beliefs, and what the Bible has to say about his heart for us in prayer and what that looks like in our every day life.

Monthly Download: 10 Verses to Pray for Your Friends
This month I’m sharing a resource I created last year when I realized I had so many friends going through things and wanted a quick reference of some scriptures I could send to them via text as encouragement or have some ready to reference as I prayed over them.


Memory Verse:
”Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11

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BREAKOUT SESSION: This month we are going to be praying TOGETHER! More details to follow but save the date for June 26, 7-8pm! We will be meeting LOCALLY and setting up a laptop with zoom for anyone who wants to join remotely. We are going to be having an open night of PRAYER AND WORSHIP (combining our topic last month!) and inviting the community to come for prayer! We will act as hosts, ready to pray with anyone who comes as well as having the option to spend time in prayer on your own as well. I’m really excited about this and hope you can make it!

Don’t forget we have a live Porch Hang via zoom the last Monday of the month! Come share what God is teaching you and how we can be praying for you!

That’s all for this month! See you in the group! WE’RE SO GLAD YOU’RE HERE!

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