How to Pray for Anyone: Kindness and Goodness (Part Four)
In these last few years of my life, it is the kindness of God that has been one of my favorite things about Him. Reading these scriptures just affirmed that I have testimony after testimony of the Lord's kindness and goodness in my life.
I don't say that it's my favorite because of the favor that has come from situations (both good and bad). The reason when I think of the Lord's kindness and goodness my breath catches in my chest is because it is a pure gift. Not just a gift, like from a friend. It's a completely undeserved gift. Not one single day comes to a close with me having earned one ounce of His kindness. His goodness wrecks me in the best way. He had every right to allow my sin to make me his enemy. But instead, he calls me Beloved?
Straight. to. the. heart.
When the Bible says it is His kindness that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4), I know exactly what that means. I have experienced this Scripture in my life the last year more than ever before. His love is so great and unconditional that it makes me want to weep over my sin. My offenses. Knowing full well if someone did things like that to me, we would be DONE. No more chances. But God?
No. That's not who He is.
A new chance is gifted with each moment of repentance. New mercies as abundant as the sea. Imagine waking up every morning to a gift on your front porch wrapped up with a note reminding you of just how loved you are that simply says, "Unconditionally."
Love, your Father.
The kindness and goodness of Jesus is all over the pages of Scripture. Below you'll find verses about God's love for us and how that should radically change the way we treat others and pray for them.
Have you ever been shown kindness by someone? Have you ever experienced undeserved goodness from a stranger? Maybe someone covered your tab at a restaurant unbeknownst to you. Maybe a friend anonymously delivered flowers to your doorstep. Maybe someone's saved a seat for you at the table or at church or school.
Jesus has saved a seat for us. It is our choice whether we take it. He not only saved us and raised us--He literally has saved a seat for us. Despite our offenses. Despite our selfishness. THIS is kindness. Immeasurable kindness is saving a seat for those that fail, because His love never will. And when we show kindness to someone else, we are showing them that because God loves us no matter what, we can too.
God's kindness + goodness is undeserved abundance. It means there's always room for love to be greater. Always a seat at the table.
We've received it.
It should be our JOY to give it.
Proverbs 21:21
Hosea 11:4
Zechariah 7:9
Ephesians 2:4-7
Titus 3:3-7
Exodus 33:18-19
Ps. 23:6
Zechariah 9:16-17
Titus 3:4
Moses asked to see God's glory and God chose to show him His goodness. God reveals His glory in His goodness. If we want to see His glory, we've got to look for His goodness. If we are not seeing His glory--we are missing His goodness. If we are not seeing His goodness, we are missing His glory. God's goodness is His glory. Where is His goodness being revealed in your life? Share your answer in the comments! Tell your story for His glory. Talk about how the Lord has been kind and good to you. And ask Him to let you know how you can pray for others to experience the same.
Who in your life needs to know that there is still a seat for them at your table? How can you show the Lord's goodness to your neighbors? Those that serve your community and your church maybe? Maybe someone in your life needs to be reminded of that God loves them unconditionally, no matter what. Ask God to send someone to tell them that they are loved TODAY. The ways to pray for God to cultivate this in the lives of others (and our own) is endless.